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Ephéméride éclectique d'une librocubiculariste glossophile et mélomane.

Asaf Avidan - Small Change Girl

Une petite présentation de l'artiste à lire ici

Giuliano Bianchetti - la petite mendiante et les moineaux

Giuliano Bianchetti - la petite mendiante et les moineaux

Asaf Avidan

Asaf Avidan

She can make the birds and bees
get down on their little knees
she can whisper to the breeze
and make her tear the bark off trees

She can make a fog horn ring
she can make the mountains swing
she will make you clip your wing
she can teach your tears to sing

She's just a small change girl X4
but she's a world to me

She can turn her flesh to steel
but she can't get her scars to heal
she can make you think she's real
she can make a diamond peel

she can get your bed to shrink
she can get your ears to blink
she can get you eyes to think
and she can get a horse to drink

She's just a small change girl X4
but she's a world to me

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Ephéméride éclectique d'une librocubiculariste glossophile et mélomane

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