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Ephéméride éclectique d'une librocubiculariste glossophile et mélomane.

Sareri Hovin Mernem (Lyrics by V. Harootiunian Melody by H. Badalian) - Savina Yannatou

Martyros Sqrian

Martyros Sqrian

Une chanson traditionnelle arménienne interprétée par Savina Yannatou

Sareri Hovin Mernem
(Lyrics by V. Harootiunian
Melody by H. Badalian)

Sareri hovin mernem,
hovin mernem, hovin mernem
Im yari boyin mernem,
boyin mernem, boyin mernem
Mi dari e chem desel,
desnoghi jookhd achkin mernem
Gaynel em kal chem garogh,
kal chem garogh, kal chem garogh,
Lutsvel em lal chem garogh,
lal chem garogh, lal chem garogh,
Mi dari e chem desel,
desnoghin jookhd achkin mernem.
Yarus mishd surdis mech e,
payts anoonu dal chem garogh
Kederu choor chen beroom,
choor chen beroom, choor chen beroom,
Im yarits loor chen beroom, loor chen
beroom, loor chen beroom,
Chulni sirdu sarel e?
El indz siro hoor chen beroom

I’d Die for the Mountain Wind
(Lyrics by V. Harootiunian
Melody by H. Badalian)
I would die for the wind of the mountains,
the wind of the mountains
I would die for my love’s tall stature,
tall stature
I have not seen him in a year. I would die for
the pair of eyes that saw him last
I’m standing, yet standing still
I cannot move forward,
I’m filled with sorrow, yet so full that
I cannot cry,
I have not seen him in a year,
I would die for the eyes that saw him last.
My love is always in my heart,
but I cannot utter his name
The rivers no longer bring water,
no longer bring water
They no longer bring news from my love,
no longer bring news
Is it that his heart has frozen?
They no longer bring me the fire of love

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Ephéméride éclectique d'une librocubiculariste glossophile et mélomane

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