Ephéméride éclectique d'une librocubiculariste glossophile et mélomane.
18 Novembre 2021
Un petit collage d'un poème d'Emily Ballou et d'une toile d'Ernst Stückelberg
I, Lizard, performance artist
enact mediative studies
in the physics of gravity
motion vs. stillness
metaphysics, in particular
cyclical time.
My work muses on anonymity
the relation of body to place
the inevitability of decay
being ephemeral
object in space.
My art is my performance.
My performance is endurance.
Emily Ballou
From Oxford Poets 2013: An Anthology (Carcanet, 2013)
Ephéméride éclectique d'une librocubiculariste glossophile et mélomane