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Ephéméride éclectique d'une librocubiculariste glossophile et mélomane.

Let beauty awake - Ralph waugham williams

Mélodie anglaise ce matin...

Hilda Rix Nicholas - Sylvia and friend at Mosman

Hilda Rix Nicholas - Sylvia and friend at Mosman

Let Beauty awake
Robert Louis Stevenson

Let Beauty awake in the morn from beautiful dreams,
Beauty awake from rest!
Let Beauty awake
For Beauty’s sake
In the hour when the birds awake in the brake
And the stars are bright in the west!
Let Beauty awake in the eve from the slumber of day,
Awake in the crimson eve!
In the day’s dusk end
When the shades ascend,
Let her wake to the kiss of a tender friend,
To render again and receive!

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Ephéméride éclectique d'une librocubiculariste glossophile et mélomane

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