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Ephéméride éclectique d'une librocubiculariste glossophile et mélomane.

Foundation - Edwin Morgan

Leonora Carrington - Le repas de lord Candlestick

Leonora Carrington - Le repas de lord Candlestick

‘What would you put in the foundation stone
for future generations?’ ‘A horseshoe,
a ballet shoe, a horseshoe crab, a sea-horse,
a sheriff’s star, a pacemaker, a tit’s egg, a tomato,
a ladybird, a love-letter, a laugh-track, a yo-yo,
a microtektite, a silicon chip, a chip pan,
a Rembrandt, a Reinhardt, a Reinhardt jigsaw –’
‘That’s some foundation stone –’ ‘ – a hovercraft,
a manta ray, a bulldozer, a windjammer,
a planetarium, an oilrig, a Concorde, a cornfield,
a gannetry, a hypermarket, a continental shelf,
a brace of asteroids, a spiral nebula –’
‘Why don’t you take my question seriously – ?’
‘ – a black hole, a dream, a conceptual universe,
no, make it a dozen conceptual universes
laid tail to head like sardines in a tin
and poured all over with lovely oil
of poetry: seal it; solder the key.’

Edwin Morgan
from Edwin Morgan: Collected Poems 1949-1987 (Carcanet, 1996)

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Ephéméride éclectique d'une librocubiculariste glossophile et mélomane

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