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Ephéméride éclectique d'une librocubiculariste glossophile et mélomane.

Collage poétique - Edwin Morgan & S. Dali

Christ de Saint Jean de la croix - Salvador Dali - Musée de Glasgow

Christ de Saint Jean de la croix - Salvador Dali - Musée de Glasgow

Aujourd'hui un petit collage poétique : La poème décrivant le tableau de Dali en introduction à l'œuvre du poète écossais Edwin Morgan

Salvador Dali: Christ of St John of the Cross
Edwin Morgan

It is not of this world, and yet it is,
And that is how it should be.
Strong light hits back and the arms
Coming from where we cannot see,
Ought not to see, another dimension
For another time. At this time, we
Share the life of bay and boat
With simply painted fishermen
Who give no Amen
Even if clouds both apocalyptic and real
Made them look up and feel
What they had to feel
Of shattering amazement, fear,
Protection, and a wash of glory.
Was it an end coming near?
Was it a beginning coming near?
What happened to the thorns and blood and sweat?
What happened to the hands like claws the whipcord muscles?
Has the artist never seen Grünewald?
‘I have to tell you John of the cross called,
Said to remind you light and death once met.’

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Ephéméride éclectique d'une librocubiculariste glossophile et mélomane

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